This page gives information about how to pay to retake an exam if you didn't pass or failed to appear. For exam results, please go to our Barber Exams page.
Pay online
In most cases, you can pay online by using one of the links below. When you pay online, your exam will be scheduled faster than if you pay by mail. Please note that we don't have control over mail times, and mailed payments also have to be processed manually.
Pay by mail
If you pay by mail, please send a check, cashier check, or money order made out to the North Carolina Board of Barber and Electrolysis Examiners to the address below. Important: please include a note explaining what you're paying for (e.g., retake apprentice barber exam), with your name, contact information, and license number (if you have one). If you don't include this information, we may have trouble connecting your payment with the correct record.
Mail payments to:
7001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-7000
Barber instructor
Unfortunately, we don't currently have the option to pay exam retake fees online for barber instruction exams. Please submit check, cashier check, or money order for $165.00 made out to the North Carolina Board of Barber and Electrolysis Examiners. You can send payment to:
7001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-7000